Without Excuse Outdoor Ministries officially began in January 2007, but the vision for this experiential ministry emerged slowly over many years as I worked as a professional biologist throughout North America. One experience in particular stands out.

Colorful shades of green danced throughout Alaska's northern night sky, moving, yet revealing a stillness that captivated me. I stood there in awe at the most dramatic display of the northern lights I had ever seen in my life. In that moment in November 1991, I distinctly remember verbally acknowledging, "there is a God."

That experience was a turning point for me. You see, I began understanding more fully my deep attraction to the outdoors and the reason for why a sunset or harvest moon lingering above the tree tops would impact me so deeply, even as a child; I was seeing God's invisible qualities manifested in what He had made.

Over the next 10 years, I searched the Scripture and my heart for what God was calling me to; I felt called, but to what? Surely my life-long love of the outdoors and years of experience as a professional biologist would be used for more than employment and recreation. Then one day in 2001, Romans 1:20 came alive and the name of the ministry I felt God calling me to emerged.

Over the next 6 years, the vision for leading people to experience Scripture in God's creation and the tools I would need to accomplish that slowly became clear. Then, in January 2007, while sitting under a thatched roof in the jungles of Belize with my wife, I knew that it was time to formally begin the ministry God had been preparing me for, and Without Excuse Outdoor Ministries was born.

I pray you will be blessed by this ministry as you join me in experiencing Scripture in God's creation!

Brian Lubinski